Enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures

In a world of big dreams and long term goals, the simple pleasures often get overlooked. They often get “put on the back burner,” sacrificed for promise of a greater reward later.  “When I retire, I’m going to….”  “When I sell the company I’m going to….” “When the kids are grown up, I’m going to….”

It’s a bit like we believed the White Queen was sane when she said to Alice, “…jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.”

I have a different view. Pleasure is pleasure, and now seems like a good time for it. I am reminded of the humorous poster that says, “Hard work may pay off in the long run, but laziness pays of right now.” I am not advocating laziness, in fact some of the best pleasures come after a little work – it gives some perspective, contrast.

Today I installed a system that automatically waters the hanging baskets. When my wife handed me the box I envisioned a complicated but intriguing system of timers and electronics, remote control valves and perhaps moisture sensors if I’m lucky. That would be pretty cool! But no, someone uninhibited by such constraints has designed the most amazing watering system that simply uses a small tube that drips water into the basket until it is heavy enough that the weight closes a clothes-peg like valve that the basket is hanging on such that the valve pinches the hose shut.  Brilliant! Every time the basket gets drier/lighter, the water drips for a bit. No batteries, no electronics to fail, and the basket is always watered to perfection. Being the recipient of such genius engineering makes me want to phone all my friends and tell them about it.  “You won’t believe this, but….”  Of course they wouldn’t understand. But I sometimes think these inventors deserve more money than someone who created a way for us to do email while sitting on the toilet.

So I’ve done a little work and now I am sitting with a glass of wine and book, distracted only by the occasional butterfly. Noticing the flowers my wife has so delicately placed around the garden. Seeds and bulbs carefully planted weeks or even months earlier, with anticipation, like one of those time capsules they send into space for someone to discover in the future.

I notice for the first time a green pepper plant with two huge peppers by a plant that seems relieved someone has finally noticed all its heavy lifting. Plus tomatoes that I think will go very nicely in an arugula salad tonight, to the disappointment of the teenage boys who will ask what the main meal is going to be.

I am thinking I might actually spend the whole afternoon reading. Read a whole book at once! I don’t often get all the way through a book. The conditions that attracted me to it at the time change before I finish reading with droopy eyes before bed, a few pages a night.

My father-in-law always says, “Enjoy life!” He frequently ends his emails and conversations with it. A sort of enhanced exclamation mark to punctuate the communication. A reminder that we shouldn’t postpone our enjoyment. Sure, dream big, make the occasional short term sacrifice for a long term benefit, but just make sure you are not forgetting to enjoy life a little along the way. Hold it, breathe it in, it’s all there if you take a moment to slow down and look, listen, taste, feel and just be part of it all.

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