

I cannot explain the source of my poems.  In the right mood, I find ideas and words arrive as if they are being dictated.

They are not necessarily autobiographical.  If I write about addiction, it does not mean I am a drug addict, just as Stephen King isn’t an axe murder and PJ Harvey has not drowned her daughter in the river.  I suspect they are nice people with unusual imaginations or connections to a source of raw ingredients which they do not wish to put through society’s [re]strainer of expectations.

It has always fascinated me that, generally speaking, authors can write horrific fiction with impunity, but songwriters and poets are assumed to be writing from direct experience.

With that said, like an abstract painting, I hope the poems stir some emotion in you and that you don’t feel a compulsion to analyze them.  Not everything needs to be understood, it just needs to be felt.  Do you remember being a child staring at the moon?

The following are a few poems from my collection (I had many more but sadly my hard drive crashed… remember to backup your computer!).  I will publish more on occasion, either new ones or from the archives.

Life in Spain & France

Our Fears




The Relapse

Decaf and All That

Untitled version 3.7

And a poem I didn’t write, but from someone I’ve long admired: Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame).  I found this poem by chance and read it to my wife, Daniela, the love of my life, at our wedding.  Untitled By Roger Waters.


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